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- Y3/4 Summer Term 2
- Year 3
- Week Five - Monday 29th June
- English
- W5 Y3 Y4 English Plan 29 th June .pdf
- W5 Y3 Y4 English Adverbs to show time, place and cause.pdf
- W5 Y3 English Letter Writing Formal Example Text .pdf
- W5 Y3 Y4 English Letter plan sheet.pdf
- W5 Y3 Y4 English letter writing checklist.pdf
- W5 Y3 Y4 English The Day the Crayons Quit Book Notes.pdf
- W5 Y3 Y4 English MLK Jnr Reading Comprehension .pdf
- W5 W6 Y3 Y4 English Statutory Spellings.pdf
- W5 W6 Y3 Y4 English Spelling activities.pdf