Uniform Information
We are very proud of our uniform and school identity. We ask that all children adhere to the dress code and uniform guidelines. Our uniform can be purchased from the School Uniform shop in 23 Broad Street Wells BA5 2DJ Tel: 01749 670000, their website is: https://www.swschoolwear.co.uk/shop/pcategory/schoolwear/stoberry/
If staff deem items of clothing or footwear inappropriate for school, children will be asked not to wear them.
General School Uniform
Purple school sweatshirt or cardigan (this may be with or without the school logo).
White or purple polo shirt with or without the school logo.
Grey or black school trousers/shorts (not jeans). These must be proper length shorts and not hot pants.
Grey or black skirt or pinafore.
White, grey or black socks/tights but not leggings.
Black school shoes/closed toe sandals in the summer (not trainers).
Smart black boots are permitted during the winter.
Grey fleece with logo optional.
Black reversible school coat optional.
In the summer girls may wear lilac gingham summer uniform dresses.
Children are expected to play outside in cold weather and will require a coat.
PE uniform
A purple t-shirt & green shorts (logo versions are available from the uniform provider).
Jogging bottoms (optional, in addition to shorts)
Suitable trainers for outdoor games – not thin soled daps.
Drawstring waterproof swimming bag
Swimming trunks or costume
A drawstring PE bag.
We will provide a team kit for inter school matched and tournaments, should your child be chosen to represent the school.
Jewellery, hair & make-up
With the exception of stud earrings, no jewellery is to be worn to school. Watches remain the responsibility of the child at all times. Any hat in the summer is appropriate and does not have to be bought from the uniform shop.
The school would advise that longer hair is tied back. Trends in hair style and what could be considered extreme hair styles in both boys and girls will be considered as they arise and parents will be informed of the acceptability.
Children may not wear makeup to school.
School bags & book bags
Year 3 pupils onwards do not need a book bag and may use a reasonably sized rucksack.
Naming of uniform
PLEASE make sure every item is named!
We have found that marking with biro is unsatisfactory as the ink is removed in the wash. Please use laundry marker or embroidered name labels.
Our advice is name everything!