Stoberry Park School

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Our curriculum

The curriculum to which each child is entitled is laid down by the requirements of the National Curriculum.  This curriculum is followed by all children of compulsory school age.  During a child’s first year at school they will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which is the first step on their educational journey.


The National Curriculum consists of three core subject areas; English, Mathematics and Science and nine Foundation subjects; History, Geography, Art & Design, Physical Education, Music, Design & Technology, PSHCE (encompassing Sex & Relationships Education), Computing and Modern Foreign Languages (French).  There is also a requirement for all schools to undertake the teaching of Religious Education in all Key Stages.


The Stoberry Park curriculum is currently in a period of review and development; this is to ensure that it is effective, engaging, creative and most of all enjoyable!  We aim for our curriculum to be irresistible, but know that we are not there yet.  Each half term will have either a history or geography focus, with the whole school focusing on this area of learning at any one time.  There will then be a range of other subjects that will be taught either in blocks or across the half term.  Every subject will be taught each full term.


Teachers plan units of learning that focus on concepts, key knowledge, both substantive (traditional knowledge) and disciplinary (skills linked to a subject) and vocabulary.  As the Stoberry Park curriculum develops, key concepts will also become a strand of the children’s learning, ensuring that a good understanding of the most important concepts within a subject combine with knowledge that has been acquired; these could be the concept of ‘governance’ in history, ‘place’ in geography or ‘colour’ in art.


We welcome visitors into the school regularly to share their skills with the children.  We also aim to build and develop close links with the local community and ensure that our children are regular visitors to local events and places of interest.


As part of our Spiritual, Moral, Cultural, Mental and Physical work at school, Relationships, Health and Sex Education is taught. To support teachers in the delivery of this area, we use the Jigsaw scheme of work.  The content is agreed by the school governors and parents are informed of the subjects covered via the policy and curriculum statement on the website. 

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  • 60 Pegasus
  • 64 Great Bear
  • 47 Draco
  • 72 Lynx

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