Stoberry Park School

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Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Information

Special Educational Needs at Stoberry Park School 

Stoberry Park School is an inclusive school that provides support for children and their families to enable pupils to develop as individuals. We pride ourselves on our welcoming environment and providing resources and support to enable children to thrive and make progress across all areas of learning and development.


Using Somerset's Graduated Response Tool lessons at Stoberry Park School are differentiated and adapted so that all children with special educational needs are able to access the curriculum at their level and achieve success. Teachers, teaching assistants and external professionals work closely together to ensure the correct support is in place at the right time. Children at Stoberry Park School are given a wide range of opportunities to access the wider curriculum including Forest School, sensory activities, emotional literacy sessions, residentials and sports interventions.


Our SEND policy can be found on our school policies page, here.


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Kelly Thomas.  She can be contacted directly on .

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